Python 3 (PEP8), HTML/CSS, C++, SQL, Java
Microsoft Excel / PowerBI, Git / GitHub, VSCode, JetBrains IDEs, Tableau, DataGrip, FortiGate Firewall, Sophos Endpoint, Inkscape SVG Editor
Computer Architecture, Web Design, Computability & Complexity, Cybersecurity, Discrete Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, Continous Improvement
Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Project Management, Technical Writing, Technical Support, Customer Service
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Developed a full business response plan based on CISA, NIST, and US Chamber of Commerce best practices consisting of:
My research over the summer led to the creation of a new, interdepartmental incident response unit.
Lessons learned:This project analyzed and manipulated data from the non-profit Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED). First, Python was used to strip unneeded fields, narrow the data, and assign new unique IDs. Next, the C++ program read the file into a vector of objects of a custom class, and used several methods to pull out insights, such as trends in targets and locations, and total casualties. A variety of sorting algorithms, trees, and hash functions were compared for space and time efficiency.
Lessons learned: